Sunday, December 19, 2010

Reasons We Loved 2010: Wednesday Playdates

Whether it's been a big planned event or a spur of the moment, spontaneous trip, Violet and I have LOVED and very much enjoyed our Wednesdays off together this year. What has made our Wednesdays even sweeter has been the fun friends we have gotten to share our days with. We've been to Disneyland, a bird farm, several parks, a few malls, Bass Pro Shop and back to Disneyland on Playdates! I am so thankful for the willingness of Violet's friends mom's to make our playdates a priority and to work around my limited schedule. Violet has been blessed by some special little ladies and one handsome young man as her first "besties."

Hope is one of Violet's newer friends from church. They love to go to "D" together, and talk about "Toodles" from their favorite TV show. Violet is always thankful for an invitation to go play with all of the toys in Hope's fun playroom. These girls are so sweet together and very concerned about each other when one gets upset when they are playing. Violet's starting call her friend "Hopey" and asks about her EVERY DAY. This morning when we pulled into the church parking lot, Violet started clapping and yelled "YAY, HOPEY!!!!"

At the bird farm - V kept saying "Burds Loud!"

Trying to keep playing even though they are both clearly exhausted!

Abigail - "Abba" or "Abby" depending on Violet's mood - is another friend from church. She is about 6 months younger than Violet, but boy can she ever keep up! She calls Violet "Vi" and is always trying to kiss her friend! Violet and Abigail have AT LEAST 3 identical clothing items -- and we've never been shopping together. They are both very busy little girls and bring out the "sillies" in one another. When they are together, they have to be able to see each other at all times....otherwise you start hearing "Vi? Vi? VI?! VI VI VI VI!?!" and "ABBY WHERE AH YOU?" This morning in church the congregation was praying for Abigail's family as they only have one Sunday left before they move to Florida (don't get me started on that topic). The whole time her family was on the platform Abigail kept pointing and yelling "Vi! Vi!" and Violet would was pointing and saying "Abby uppa der!"

Digging in the Pretend City garden

Working on sharing...

When we are really lucky, all three of the girls (and their lucky families) have gotten to go do things together. Violet seriously thinks that she is in heavens when that happens. No. REALLY. It's in these moments I see how God has created us to be social creatures. I haven't taught her to want to spend time with her friends -- she is just that way.

All Dressed up....with lots of places to go! Trick or Treating in the Village

All lined up in their strollers at that Happy Place!

Their first (and LAST) time on a "quad" together...

Our church's Thanksgiving Feast.

Violet has also enjoyed her time with some of our dear college friends' little man, Elias. She quickly dubbed him "Ly-Ly" which is about the cutest thing ever when she says it. Violet isn't just in love with him though, it's the whole family! Almost every time his name comes up she asks about his Mommy, Daddy and doggie all by name! Elias is a SUPER crawler -- like Speedy Gonzalez fast. Violet thinks that it is so great and funny that he can keep up with her on all fours that by the end of a visit, she's crawling too. Giggling the whole way. And she already knows that it's just going to get even better -- she talks about "Ly-Ly's Bruder" who we can't wait to meet this spring!

Violet's and Ly-Ly's first dance

Checking out his cool toys...

Sigh....I feel so very thankful and content seeing a year of fun and friendship in review. So many fun pictures, fun memories and wonderful friends. Yes, indeed, our Wednesday Playdates were something that we LOVED about 2010...and are looking forward to many more of in 2011.

Oh, and agood Playdate will always leave you exhausted!


  1. Oh so cute! All those girls are getting so big!

  2. Aren't they?! Georgia is going to be a big girl herself and all ready to get in there and play when you all make your first visit here!

  3. Oh my goodness I LOVE this post!! The last picture is adorable and is sooo true. Oh Disneyland how I miss you right now! =( YAY for our mommy date this wed!! hehe I am so glad for all of Violet's bestie's too!

  4. What amazing friends--glad to see Violet got your social streak! Still, you're making me feel guilty for being a home body when my kids could use more outings...sigh.
