Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Dee End"

So humbled by my sweet child tonight.

Laying there next to her bed in the dark, wishing she'd just settle down and go to sleep already. Happy about a very nice day, but already focused on the work ahead. "Just go to sleep so I can go pack," is all I am thinking.

Kicking her legs, rolling around, singing little non-sense phrases, grabbing my arm, tickling my short driving me nuts - I thought. And then. She turns my arm over, puts her hand in mine and says:

Tanks for Dadda on the 'puter...
and Mindy...
and seein' Lin-sahy...
and nice day.
Dee End"

There were long pauses after each phrase. And by the time she got to "Lin-sahy" my eyes were over flowing and I sat up to put my head next to her's on the pillow.

"Momma! Watcha doin'? I'm prayin'!"

She said it with a touch of indignation that I was interrupting her moment.

And she was right. But I needed to let her lead me there, into His presence. I haven't done such a great job of taking myself there. I see His hand. I know that this move is because of His will and grace. But I have been so focused on all that I need to get done, that I have sub-consciously (and consciously at times if I'm being completely honest) felt that I didn't have time for anyone's help. Including the One without who's help this will not happen. And in just a few, brief, succinct words, a little girl was able to praise God for a great day, calm herself to ready for sleep, and remind her Momma of what REALLY is important.


Thanks for boxes,
And those who get them to me,
For friends to distract me
And watch over us while Robbie is gone.
Thanks for an awesome new adventure to be had,
And all of the provisions that you have made...
...many we aren't even aware of yet.
Thanks for a great day,
And help me to have a great evening as well.
Dee End!"


  1. This put tears in my eyes. Love you friend.

  2. So happy to read that maybe your feeling a little better about the move! Moving sucks and I know you have been so busy and stressed, but its all part of the plan =) We miss you!
