Last night I slept with first one and then the other of my girls -- a privilege, but one that doesn't always lead to a well rested Momma. I didn't get out for my run because of the weather. Violet got as far as a shirt on before she decided that she was dressed for the day -- pj pants and uncombed hair for her. Evie has forgotten how to nap since our trip to Cali. Thank goodness she is still a GREAT night time sleeper, but days are one long string of snooze, cry, eat, cry, fight sleep, snooze. Robbie had to leave early for school in order to get caught up on work.
It didn't help that after a trying day yesterday, I had been SOOOO ready for bedtime...which had turned into almost three hours of Momma and Daddy switching off which crying girl they were trying to comfort. The big sister who was all out of sorts for no identifiable reason or the little sister who kept getting woken by the big sister's crying. So. Suffice it to say that even a good morning may not have looked so great through my cloudy colored glasses.
I was already scheduled to spend part of the day down at my Mom's for a visit, but by the time I got Violet and Evie loaded in the car I felt more like I was running away. And nothing could have been better for us! Five hours of forgetting unpacking, skipping spring cleaning and playing unabashedly with each of my girls -- able to give them each my undivided attention while Nana and "How" entertained the other. Ahhhh... Who would have guessed I needed a vacation right after my vacation?
Nothing was different when I left. Still hadn't gotten to run. Still a suitcase full of stuff for me to trip over. Still loads of dirt springing up all over my house, waiting to be cleaned. But my girls are a day older. A good day older. One where the moments may not have been "picture worthy" or that I'll remember in detail forever, but a good day where I got to enjoy them. For who they are. Today. It was like each of our attitudes toward one another got a "Re-Boot." And it was great.
Can you believe that these sweet faces really ever cause any trouble?